Moms Together (for moms of littles)

MOMS TOGETHER – a casual gathering of moms with littles will begin on 
Thursday, September 9 at 9:30 am
Here at the church
Child care will be provided
Meets every other Thursday from 9:30 am to 11:00 am at the church

Small Groups begin week of September 19!

We are excited to get back into Small Groups at OCC this fall!
Beginning the week of September 19th!!
We have 4 small groups to choose from this fall:
Sunday evenings with Jason & Wendy Schmidt
Wednesday evenings with Dwight & Rhonda Abell (in Oakley)
Thursday evenings with James & Stephanie Wright (meets every other week for young couples)
We also will have a MENS SMALL GROUP with Tom Johnson – details on that soon!
GET CONNECTED AT OCC – Join a small group this fall!

New Sunday School Classes 9/12/21

It’s a great time to head back to Adult Sunday School!
Sunday, September 12 at 9:30 am
TWO NEW classes to choose from:
Upstairs (off the sanctuary):  ROMANS
Downstairs (across from the kitchen):  1 & 2 PETER
We also offer Sunday School classes for all the kids!

Livestream on Facebook

Reminder that our church service is livestreamed on Facebook and YouTube, Sunday mornings at 10:30 am!  If you are unable to join us in person, we invite you to join us online!

Worship at 10:30 am

Worship service begins at 10:30 am
We offer ABZKIDS (children’s church) for kids at 4 years to 4th grade
Nursery is available during worship service from babies age 0 to 3 months
We can’t wait to see you on Sunday!